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Why Maher Realty?

Maher Realty Group was founded on a question: "Why must people lose 5-6% of their hard earned home equity when they are ready to leave and sell their homes?"

To us, the easy answer was, "No one should!"

But how could we build a real estate company that still provided individual attention to every client, insightful data analysis, and provide some of the lowest commissions in the industry? Our answer: low overhead, no franchise fees, and a multi-tiered approach to selling your home.

Low Overhead - never seen a Maher Realty Group office? You never will. We use technology and digital communication strategies to market our brand and our clients homes. Setting up multiple branch locations just means more money our clients would have to spend to sell their home, that is not your goal, OR OURS! We pass these savings onto you.

No Franchise Fees - many people ask why we didn't hook up with one of the nationally known real estate companies. Well, we are not national...we are focused on assisting clients on Boston's North Shore. Why let a national chain tell you how to run a local business? Furthermore, they want money. How can we save you money if we are spending thousands of dollars to belong to a franchise?

Multi-Tiered Approach - Not all real estate transactions are created equal. Our competitors usually have one approach: they will list your property (sometimes with an upfront cost) and charge you 5-6% of what it sells for...period. Well, we view every customer as individuals. Depending on your real estate needs we will develop an approach that best fits YOU. We will never charge you 5% or more for a transaction, but instead work with you to determine the best plan that fits your needs.

So are you ready for something different? Do you want to save money? We are ready to help! 

Call us today: Maher Realty Group (978) 468-1890


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